So we had a white elephant gift exchange at our work Christmas dinner. I brought some fancy bull horns that I had hanging in my kitchen when I was doing the whole "Spanish" theme. I am now changing it up and what better way to get rid of things then to give them to your co-workers! lol Well someone made hillbilly wine glasses and they were a hit so I just knew what I had to do -- recreate them!!!!! Just so you know I only paid $6 for this project! The mod-podge I stole from my sister, the glitter I had for some fun projects with my children, and everything else was from previous projects that I probably paid a total of $1 each for...I'm on a budget people!!! The candle stick holder and glass were each from the dollar store and the gorilla glue was $4. The buttons and beads are optional in case you want to add some bling.
What's missing from this picture is the glitter...sorry peeps!

Put the Gorilla Glue on top of the candle stick holder and glue on the glass/large candle holder (I don't know what this is called!!!!!!)
Once you glue on your 2 candle holders (this is what we are calling them, so just go with it) place an object on top so that the glue can bond. And as an FYI - the glue says it sets in 1 hour...LIES! I let it sit and picked it up and it fell apart, so I actually let it sit overnight.
Remember not to put too much glue or it will bubble out like mine did...but I was able to eventually pick it off..
The next step did NOT work for me. My sister was right -- I hate when that happens! I just couldn't get the fabric to stick to the mod-podge and I guess I was just too impatient to really make this work.
So I decided to do what I saw in a blog where she glitterfied her shoes with mod-podge and glitter!!
I took about the whole thing of glitter and just a little mixture of mod-podge, just try to get the right thickness of glitter. There is not right or wrong here, the more glitter the better!!
Take your paint brush and just cover the whole bottom half of the candle stick.
Let it dry for about 30 min...go outside and play with your cute babies! Be sure to cover up the glue so it doesn't dry out though.
Come back inside and put on a second coat. This one should be a thicker consistency, just load it up because remember the mod-podge dries clear!
While that dries, take some pictures of your cute children!
The final step will be to just put a final coat of only mod-podge to hold in the glitter. AND...because I'm new to this whole blogging thing I didn't get a picture of the final step -- DO NOT yell at me! So I was able to take a pic with my phone...just love it!
These are for a friend - but I'm also making a set for my sister-in-law and some other peeps...go make yours -- it's CHEAP AND EASY...the best Christmas gift ever!!