Monday, December 19, 2011


I used to be the worst at budgeting. My husband and I would get paid and then we would just say ...ok what's due? Then we would be left with $100 to get us till next week, and that didn't include getting groceries or gas. Talk about a stressful time!! 

So I decided to look up budgeting online. Let me tell ya -- nothing worked! That's when I decided to make my own. I decided to break down my bills, my husbands and then our families. This helped me find out what our actual bills were, when they were due, and how much. 

The next step was to enter the dates that we got paid. I get paid every 2 weeks and my husband gets paid every week. I would compare the paycheck dates with the due date of the bill. If I got paid on the 9th and I had a bill due on the 12th, I would pay the bill on the 9th just to make sure that it was all done with. Procrastinating on bills is going to be the hardest thing because then you need to play catch up. Once a bill is payed, gray it out so you know that you are all set with that one.

Now, there will be months that you are may have to put a bill on the back never know when car repairs will sneak up on you, or there is a doctor bill that just came in the mail. So that is why there is a still owed tab as well.

And eventually you will be able to start putting money into savings. This is very exciting because you are living within your means and you are able to save! Please let me know if you have any questions on the budget...I will be more than happy to help. Here's the link...start on your own family budget! 

Click here to get started!!

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